The Truth About You

1/22/2016 02:12:00 am 0 Comments A+ a-

Dear You,
        How are you today? I hope you're hale and hearty, and most importantly cheerful. You deserve to be happy of course. That's sheer truth.
         My dear, I know someone has hurt, disappointed or betrayed you lately. Maybe, you even cried. Everyone around seems to see nothing good about you. You're constantly hurt by their biting remarks about you. People despise and treat you like you're worthless while others are held in admiration. Your self esteem has been ruined and you believe what they say about you. You believe you're useless, incapable, unworthy, awkward or even ugly. 'There really is nothing good about me. Ms J is a gifted young lady but I have no special talents. I'm not useful in any way. I have nothing to offer. I'm meant to watch others shine; I have no light for shining,' you may say.
       No, my dear! You're priceless, you're beautiful, you're amazing and you're a bundle of talents. You're just yet to discover yourself. There's a lot of beauty in you. Your value is inestimable, and that's why the Prince of Peace suffered terribly for your sake. He loves you, and His thoughts towards you are countless as the grains of sand on the sea shore, even more. I love you, and I'm telling you that you're so special and beautiful. Please, believe me.