It's January 5th again. It's no ordinary day, but a special one indeed. Why? That's because it's the birth-date of someone who is amazingly beautiful. He's the epitome of humility, gentleness and tolerance. He's a preacher to the core with rivers of living water proceeding from his belly and his lips. He is a tree that bears all nine fruits of the Spirit. He has them inherent in him. He's a great father too, and I thoroughly enjoy conversations with him. His life is indeed a life of sacrifice; for me, my family, his acquaintances and indeed the ministry. His strength of character and God's grace kept him standing in places/situations where many would fall face down. My dad is an ambassador of His Lord and Master, Jesus Christ in all ramifications. I love you dearly Dad and pray you reap the fruit of your labour in abundance, even beyond your imagination and expectation. Happy Birthday My Hero!
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