The Captor and Its Captive

12/30/2015 11:31:00 am 0 Comments A+ a-

        It reigns as one amongst the fiercest captors. It limits its captive, keeping him from maximising his potentials and living life to the fullest. Its beastly fangs are difficult to tame and overcome. It injects misery, psychological uneasiness and undue anxiety, it breeds restlessness and discomfort, and it invites misfortune, failure and terminal illnesses. This unmerciful beast not only unleashes its attacks on the mind, but assaults the body as well, thereby making its victim a total wreck. It destroys his wholesome and beneficial relationships with others making him a social misfit. The slave's wicked master strips him of everything he is and owns, and gradually leads him to an abysmal end.
         Yes, FEAR is the supercilious master reigning supreme in the lives of many. Fear is destructive and life-threatening. Well, your situation may not be as bad as what is described in the opening paragraph but mind you, even a tad of fear  will do you some harm. It may be the fear of certain activities, apprehension of failure, fear of risks, fear of responsibilities and whatever kind of fear; fear will limit you. You wouldn't be able to reach the best of your abilities, break new grounds and be the 'you' you were created to be. You have to overcome this powerful force, no matter how trivial you might think it is in your life. It is a beast to be fought and defeated.
        'How can I conquer fear?' you might ask. This info should suggest how;
One of the methods effective in treating phobias is the 'exposure therapy'. It's about repeatedly exposing phobics to the feared situation or object, and when they realise that there's no harm in it, the fear gradually fades.
        So, the panacea for curing fear is actually FACING YOUR FEARS. That's it! Face it, don't run. Sooner or later, you'll come out a champion and a freeman, not a slave to fear anymore. Remember to seek God's help; in Christ lies freedom(John 8:36). Be free indeed!