Beauty For Ashes (Chapter 5, Part B)

1/08/2016 12:55:00 pm 0 Comments A+ a-

      It was break-time. Lisa and I were in the cafeteria to have a drink and some snacks. We sat at a round table and talked non-stop. We always had a new story to share, although sometimes we shared some favourite old ones again. A particular story she loved to share is the tale of how her mother was down with leukaemia and God saved her by His healing power. She constantly talked about Jesus; His sacrifice and love for mankind.
‘I hope it doesn’t rain again today. We had to spend two extra hours in school yesterday,’ I complained. Michael couldn’t be here to pick me early because he had to wait for the flood to subside. Well, that was yesterday.’
‘As bad as it was, I had fun cos I was with you.’
‘Oh, yes sweet. I thoroughly enjoy every moment spent with you.’ I sipped a little from the bottle in front of me and continued, ‘I think you should see this.’ I brought out a sheet of paper from my brown purse and handed it over to her. She unfolded it and read silently. I didn’t know what reaction or response to expect from her. After what seemed like eternity, she was finally through with her reading and blurted out, ‘Dave again?’ and then burst into a short laughter. I was puzzled. Was she happy for me or? I wondered.
‘What’s so funny?’ I asked.
‘Dave is such a funny guy. He told Chika that he’s in love with her. He told the same thing to Amina, Funmi and now you.
‘How did you know this?’ I asked, trying to hide my shock.
‘Have you forgotten that I have information at my finger-tips?’
‘He’s a terrible liar!'
‘Hope you didn’t believe him, dear.’
‘Well I did.’
‘Hmmm, I wish students would place their priorities right and focus on the important aspects of their lives. As for me, my top priority is pleasing God and then comes my studies. I’m gonna avoid distractions. There's time for everything, Ese dear.
‘You are so wise,’ I said to Lisa.