11/26/2015 03:19:00 am 0 Comments A+ a-

         As a boy, you have to be focused and responsible because one day, you will be a husband, a father and the head of a home. If at the age of 12, you shy away from some little responsibilities, how will you handle more tedious ones that will come your way as an adult? You have to be focused, disciplined and courageous. Be determined to be the best of you anytime
, anyhow and anywhere; believe in yourself, act strong and let the lion inside you roar. As a young boy, it’s allowed to cry at times because it could really help you cope with life’s challenges. It’s good because the tears will help to cleanse your eyes, and your sorrows will most likely go with the tears. Never allow sorrow and emotional turmoil destroy your soul, rather do your best to be happy even when life gets really tough. If you fail at something, don’t give up. Keep on moving and know that no force on earth can stop a determined soul. You are unique in your own way, and you are much bigger and better than what your eyes can see now. Look within, and envisage something huge. Let no negative words spoken by people concerning you sink in, rather just shake it off. You might be a little boy now, but someday, you will be a man of 40. It’s just a matter of time, my dear. God has got good plans for you; plans for a beautiful future and a successful life on earth and in the world to come. Don’t try to imitate guys who allow their lives waste away, don't emulate young people who rebel against their elders. Dare to be different from the other folks out there. At your age, you can be a model to peeps older than you. You can be a paragon of excellence, versatility, brilliance and righteousness. Dear, persevere against all odds. Fight, fight, and push on till you get what you want out of life. Stop looking down on yourself. Look at the mirror and you will see how beautiful you are. Your fat round nose is better than a pointed nose- for you. Your oval-shaped head is amazingly beautiful. ‘I will praise You; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are Your works; and that my soul knows right well,’ the psalmist remarked. That’s exactly how you should see yourself.