Beauty For Ashes(Chapter 1, Part B)

11/28/2015 11:06:00 am 0 Comments A+ a-

It was break-time and the class was a little noisy. I was about to go for some snacks when a voice called from behind.
‘Hi pretty,’ I heard someone call. I looked to the direction from which the voice came and turned away my glance without saying a word. I wasn’t sure who the ebony complexioned girl was referring to.
‘What is your name?’ asked the dark girl as she tapped me on the shoulder.
‘I’m Ese Ojiezele,’ I said after I had turned my gaze to her direction. She was as pretty as her musical voice.
‘And I’m Lisa Omorodion. How are you doing?’
‘I’m fine. Thank you.’
‘That’s good to hear. Which school did you transfer from?’
‘Youngsters’ Academy.’
‘I think I know that school.’
‘O…okay.’ I struggled to continue, ‘I’m sure you do.’
‘I hope you love it here.’
‘Yes, I really like the school’s surroundings,’ I said in a more relaxed tone.
‘And the beautiful flowers I guess.’ I later got to know that Lisa had a keen love for flowers.
‘Ye-ees. The teachers have been capable and nice too. What do we have next?’
‘I think it’s Maths. The timetable is over there in case you want to have a look,’ she said pointing to a corner of the room.
‘Okay. Thanks,’ I said.
‘Aren’t you going out for some- you know, victuals?’
‘I want to.’
‘Let’s go together then,’ Lisa said with a pleasant smile that showed off her dimples.

Lisa and I were still discussing in low tones about my old school, and then my new school when the arrival of the Mathematics teacher disrupted our conversation.
‘Good morning sir,’ greeted the class in unison.
‘Good morning class,’ he replied. ‘You may all have your seat. I’m Mister Chima Nweke and I hope that as time goes by, I will get to know your names.’ He cleared his throat and continued, ‘Our topic for this week is 'Factorisation of Quadratic Equations'.I believe you are familiar with this topic as you must have come across it in Junior Secondary School.’
Mister Nweke turned to the board and put down the subject and topic for the day. He went ahead to write the first example and it read thus
Expand (u-4) (u-5)
Solution: (u-4) (u-5)

Mister Chima turned to us and painstakingly explained how the final answer was arrived at. He then gave us some classwork, had them marked and gave corrections where necessary.
‘This is just a revision class. Do not expect easy sums tomorrow,’ he advised. The school bell brought his lesson for the day to a halt. He had no choice but to end his class with the words, ‘Good day, class.’
‘Good day sir,’ the class replied. He then got his books and left the class without another word.