It's In You!

2/11/2016 11:37:00 am 0 Comments A+ a-

Hello dear,
    How are you today? How did your day go, or how's it going? Anyway, it's 7:48pm on my side of the world. I don't know about yours? But the important thing is that you're alive or else, you wouldn't be reading this. Isn't the thought of that delightful?
     I don't know how the last few hours were for you, maybe ecstatic, or maybe depressing. But whatever emotion you're caught up in has to be done with. If it's pure ecstasy over your achievements today, then it's a good feeling but don't let it overwhelm you. There's still much to do, more mountains to conquer, more islands to possess and more rivers to cross. So while you bask in the euphoria of your beautiful successes, don't stop there but dare to achieve even more (Philippians 3:13).
       But perhaps you weren't the one who  succeeded today, maybe you failed woefully, and you still haven't gotten over the disappointment and feelings of weakness, inadequacy and defeat. I know how that feels, sweetheart. Still, you gotta rise up. It's in you! Yea, what you need to be an achiever is inherent in you. It may still be lying dormant but as you keep trying despite failures, it will awaken and of course be released. Then, the world would know the stuff you are made of. Just don't give up, my dear.

                             Goodnight, Sweetie!