Beauty For Ashes (Chapter 5)

12/22/2015 11:26:00 am 0 Comments A+ a-

        The rains visited the earth and kept the students of Noble Kids’ International held up in school. Lisa and I were in a corner of the classroom chatting in low tones when someone walked up to us. It was Dave. ‘Hi Lisa,’ he said, as he shot a glance at her. She simply smiled with a wave of the hand. Turning to me, he said with a most disarming smile spread over his smooth face, ‘Ese, I have something for you.’ He shoved his hand into the pocket at the left of his slim-fit pair of trousers and brought out a blue envelope. He shot another smile at me and walked away without another word. My eyes stared at his tall figure walking away.

            I was in my bedroom about to take a short nap when I remembered the envelope Dave gave me. Quickly, I went for my school bag and fetched the blue envelope. I couldn’t wait to see the content. Swiftly, I tore the envelope and brought out a plain sheet of paper. It read:

My Dear Ese,
I have never set my eyes on anyone as beautiful as you. Your beauty is out of this world. I have not only fallen in love but I am head over heels in love with you. I just can’t get your pretty face off my mind. I see it even in my dreams.
My Sweetheart, you are much more fairer than the fairest of lilies. I love you, Ese. All I ask is a chance to prove the depth of my love for you. Thanks for your anticipated co-operation.
                                                                                                             With love,

I couldn’t believe it. I had never talked with Dave before, yet he was in love with me, or so he claimed. The same Dave who all the girls rallied around? This is too good to be true, I thought.