Beauty For Ashes (Chapter 4)

12/07/2015 07:10:00 am 0 Comments A+ a-

Yes, I love daffodils too. They are beautiful as well,’ I said.
‘You can’t get them here. I guess you read about them because they are grown in temperate regions.’ I shook my head in the affirmative. She continued, ‘Have you also come across calla lily?’ I shook my head in the affirmative again. ‘And oh, the lovely Rose flower,’ she said rather vivaciously.
‘Yeah, it’s the most beautiful of them all.' I had no interest in flowers before I met Lisa but overtime, she influenced me and I developed a passionate interest in these beautiful blooms akin to hers.
‘I have pictures of different varieties of flowers on my phone. I’ll show them to you anytime I come over to your house,’ Lisa said.
‘Okay sis.’ I turned to the open Government textbook on my desk. ‘Ehm. Lisa, can you help me with this topic. I don’t understand it.’ I pointed to the heading.
‘All right,’ she smiled, and continued, ‘You know I love this kind of task. Let’s see what we can do about it.’ She explained the topic in simple terms and I comprehended it all. When Mr Haruna, the government teacher taught that same topic about one week later, it was like a piece of cake to me.
‘Wow! I now comprehend everything. Thank you.’
‘The pleasure is mine. But, I also need your help with electrolysis.’
‘That’s my favourite topic in Chemistry,’ I said.
‘But it has been a hard nut for me to crack.’
‘Let’s see what we can do about it,’ I said, mimicking Lisa. She shot her angelic smile at me. I taught her and after my first ‘teaching experience’, I felt this air of confidence.
‘Thanks dear. You should be a teacher,’ she winked. There had been no teachers around for the past one hour. They were away in a staff meeting. Before she left for the meeting, our form mistress had advised us not to idle away our free time. She counseled that we rather study. But some students who defied the school’s law and brought their cell phones to school were probably browsing social networks instead of studying.